Case studies
Furniture Manufacturing Case Study: Basant Industries Achieves Operational Excellence with Digitization & Industry 4.0
Founded by Vinay Kumar, Basant boasts a sprawling 935,000 sq. ft. state-of-the-art facility, complete with dedicated testing labs, metal fabrication workshops, advanced powder coating lines, and an expansive upholstery unit. Despite their success, Basant recognized the need to embrace Industry 4.0 and digital transformation to unlock their full potential. They needed a way to [...]
From Perfect Fit to Perfect Flow: The Pant Project’s E-tailoring and Supply Chain Optimization
Weaving Excellence in Apparel Manufacturing- The Success Story of Pee Empro Exports Pvt Ltd
Transforming CMV Global: A Revolutionary Journey towards Sustainability through MES Digitization
Streamlining Operations and Driving Success: How Stitch MES Revolutionized Scandinavian’s Manufacturing Processes
Empowering Manufacturing Excellence: Banswara Syntex Embraces STITCH for Smart Factory Transformation
Vamani digitalizes operations in 8 Factories & 120 Production lines with Stitch MES